Monday, September 5, 2016

The Awesome Twosome - Greenidge and Haynes

Opening batsmen come in all shapes and sizes. Like Boon and Marsh, for example. They come in distinct styles. Like Gavaskar and Srikkanth. And once in many decades, a pair is born to decimate the opposition with incredible skill, technique and charisma. Gordon Greenidge and Desmond Haynes were two such openers. Both were different as chalk and cheese, but singularly united in sending the red cherry for an unforgiving leather hunt. Time and time again.

Greenidge in full flight was a sight to behold. His hooks and square cuts were mostly pitch perfect, rarely amiss. The power with which the ball was timed was impeccable, and the authority over his bowlers was complete. Like a poignant rabble rouser, Greenidge had the bowling team and the crowds sway to his skill.

Haynes was the quieter one. Less bravado and panache, yet filled with copious talent to match his counterpart. He was Paul McCartney collaborating with John Lennon (that Greenidge was) to compose some of the finest partnership ditties the world has seen.

It’s been a couple of decades since they hung up their boots. Will we see another opening pair like them soon? Perhaps the answer lies in John Lennon’s line, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one!”