Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Road to Rio

My dear athlete – You have been waiting to get to this pinnacle of sporting glory. For four years. And athletes like you, know that a hit or miss at an Olympic medal can change your fate. Forever. Your country is going to be behind you. Your family is hoping for a blaze of glory. And your coach is breathing down your neck.

But you are still alone in your pursuit of perfection. No one knows about the painful blisters in the African runner’s feet. No one cares about your sore shoulder, tired of throwing the javelin endlessly at nights. No one is aware of your heart rate pumping belligerently, every time you try to deceive gravity by perfecting the Fosbury Flop. All the world cares for is a medal.

In a few days, the bell will ring at Rio. The starting gun will be fired. The stadium will go hush. And in that deafening silence, you have the chance to prove to the world that you can rewrite history. Loud and clear.