Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Leander, the Great Gladiator

If there is ever a man who can be christened ‘great’ from an Indian sporting context, it should be him: Leander Adrian Paes. The longevity at the top is just a case in point. This is his 26th year at Wimbledon. Soon, he will be competing in his 7th Olympic Games at Rio. And he is the only player after the legendary Rod Laver to win Wimbledon titles in 3 different decades. Phew! 
When he started out in 1991, there were many chinks in his armour. His serve was as fast as a geriatric taking a walk in the park; the strokes were wrought with flaws. But he had something in abundance: determination and the will to improve by leaps and bounds. And you saw it first at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. He had become incredibly fast, with volleys that struck like lightning. His eyes glowed with determination and playing for the country (always) brought out the adrenaline-infused, manic gladiator in him. Leander won a bronze at Atlanta – an individual Olympic medal for India after 44 years! 
Today, he has so many Grand Slam titles under his belt. But for a goose-bumpy ride as a spectator, you need to see him play the Davis Cup for India. He transforms into a Superhuman, playing like a man possessed with fire on his feet, ever ready to light up and release the pressure-cooker-like atmosphere around him. May your tribe live on, Leander!